Single Round Tee Times

Complete the form below to book your Single Round Tee Time. We'll email you an invoice and once payment is received we'll confirm availability with the course and send you confirmation. If your requested tee time is not available, we'll provide a suitable alternate.

Greens fees are seasonal. You can find Single Round pricing here.

Greens Fee Include: 18 holes, one shared golf cart per round of golf (with GPS), use of driving range prior to your round and bottled water.
Food and Beverages are included in Single Rounds at Puerto Los Cabos.

Rental Clubs: $65 USD (Includes tax and subject to change) Callaway Mavericks

Riders: To be confirmed on day of play subject to availability. Cabo Real and Club Campestre - $45 USD / Puerto Los Cabos $65 USD

Any questions? 858-245-7420 | 1-800-819-1273 - [email protected]